Thursday, May 19, 2011

Supernanny, Jo Frost

3 Degrees
Third Degree, Jo Frost is The Supernanny.  You do not have to have biological children to be a parenting influence.  Jo Frost knows this quite well.  She has over 20 years of experience with children, parents, and families.  Childcare is very taxing and mothers and fathers need all the help they can get.  We often overlook the single person when we think about mothers.  Many single women have taken on the role of mom when caring for  cousins, siblings, or neighbors.  Here is Jo at work.  This sort of behavior is common in our culture.

Jo appears frequently as a guest on talk shows.  She has appeared several times on second degree, David Letterman's show.

Dave had first degree, Father Guido Sarducci, (character from Saturday Night Live) on.  Father shared his "interview" with Pope John Paul II.

A word on Catholic parenting
Children are NOT the center of a Catholic home, God is.  The marriage of mother and father is the second priority.  The children are the third priority.  In too many homes, children are the focus.  This is wrong.

Divorce breaks children's hearts
When parents' needs are not met, their bond becomes looser and discord begins to develop between them.  Over time the parents become estranged in their own home.  If the relationship becomes too diseased, divorce happens.  Divorce shatters the foundation of a child's home.  Divorce is enmity between mother and father, that enmity is not shared by the children, who are confused that people so loved cannot love one another.  The children lose their trust in love.  God is love.  Children lose their trust in God.

The divorce epidemic directly corresponds to lowering church attendance.  Coincidence?
Catholic men's conferences are very inspiring

Have a talk with your spouse and make sure your needs are met.  What are your spiritual needs?  Do you need to go to adoration every week?  How about a men's or women's prayer group?  Quiet time to read scripture each day?  A family decade of the rosary after supper?

Everyone needs
affection and cuddling
What are your physical needs?  Are you getting enough sleep?  Are you exercising enough?  What can be done to get the family more physically fit?  Is the family eating well?  Do you want to commit to fasting on Fridays?  Do the spouses show enough physical affection to one another to satisfy their need to be held and cuddled?  Is the sex life of the couple satisfying and strong?  How often do the spouses need to date?
This couple is not sharing the
chore of paying the bills.
This can lead to resentment over time.

What are your financial needs?  Do you need to get your credit cards under control?  Are the spouses on the same page financially?  How are the investments going?  What are the causes of concern and celebration?

Don't neglect your friendships
What are your personal needs?  Is there a friend or group of friends that you have neglected?  Have you had a boys' or girls' night out lately?  Are you nurturing your friendships enough so that your spouse is not carrying the load of your personal needs completely on their shoulders?  Do you have time to talk to your spouse as friend and confidant?  How can time be managed in your family such that your friendships can be nurtured and strengthened?

Look at the list of needs above.  Is it right that children be responsible for satisfying any of them?  CERTAINLY NOT!  Can you see how God and marriage need to be the center of the home?  When all these needs are being met, children are in a secure environment, one where they can just be kids.

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